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Past12-11-Roseline Koener


Mixed media work of sewing on handmade paper with collage-like square composed of pieces dominated with red, pink, orange, yellow, green, dark blue and apricot, surrounded by blue and pink uneven frames.

Roseline Koener, Secret Temple of Tenderness, 2012, Handmade paper, ink, pastels, 15" x 15"

Mixed media work of sewing on handmade paper with collage-like square composed of vertical yellow with orange rectangles with tiny pieces dominated with purple, pink and red, surrounded by light blue and dark blue frames.

Roseline Koener, Sonata for a turquoise heart, 2011-12, Handmade paper, ink, pastels, 13" x 14"

Mixed media work of sewing on handmade paper with collage-like blobs on the center consisted of pink, red, orange and light brown with uneven edges, surrounded by dark turquoise and violet frames.

Roseline Koener, Sonata for a chanting light, 2011-12, Handmade paper, ink, pastels, 13" x 13"

Mixed media work of sewing on handmade paper with collage-like square in predominant green and white with red dot splashes on light yellow background.

Roseline Koener, Sweet fog of tenderness, 2012, Handmade paper, ink, pastels, 15" x 12"

Mixed media work of sewing on handmade paper with a square paper comprised of pink, yellow, green and orange blobs throughout on tred, purple and pinkish white background with color dots.

Roseline Koener, Wild grasses of light, 2012, Handmade paper, ink, pastels, 15" x 12"

Mixed media work of sewing on handmade paper with red, pink, brown, light purple and brown papers on the center in a rough manner on black background.

Roseline Koener, At night, a royal dress from origins, 2012, Handmade paper, ink, pastels, 13" x 15"

Mixed media work of sewing on handmade paper with red, blue, apricot and light green pieces on a paper with letters on the center. Yellow background with brown blobs.

Roseline Koener, At noon, all colors are dancing in the light, 2012, Handmade paper, ink, pastels, 12" x 11"

Mixed media work of sewing on handmade paper full of color pieces like red, pink, orange, light green and light blue with brown wavy lines on the yellow background.

Roseline Koener, Dancing the light, 2012, Handmade paper, ink, pastels, 22" x 21"

Mixed media work of sewing on handmade paper consisted of bright pink, yellow, apricot, dark blue, light green on uneven edged checkers, surrounded by dark blue, purple and light green background frames.

Roseline Koener, Just playing with petals sun, Handmade paper, ink, pastels, 2012, 21" x 19"

Mixed media work of sewing on handmade paper with a square full of green, turquoise, white and red lines and blobs in a messy way on purple background with color blobs.

Roseline Koener, Sonata for a dancing heart, 2012, Handmade paper, ink, pastels,  13" x 14"