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Past12-04-John Johnson


Portraiture of a man with short brown hair staring right side with wearing eye mask consisted of multicolor pieces like red, blue and yellow with a stick on the right side of his face.

John Johnson, Das Es, Acrylic on canvas, 2012, 8" x 8"

Portraiture of a man and a woman sitting on a brown table with five bottles of drink in green color. Man is sitting on the left wearing a red shirt and blue outer on brown background while the woman is on the right wearing an eye mask and green oute…

John Johnson, Grand Oie Party, Acrylic on canvas, 2011, 8" x 8"

Portraiture of a woman’s two faces arranged as a decalcomanie on each upper and bottom side, while the direction of eyesight is opposite on black background with dark green lines.

John Johnson, Me Again, Acrylic on canvas, 2011, 6" x 6"

Portraiture of a woman who has short dark brown hair, blue dress, red mouth and red tear like blobs on the face while sitting her legs crossed on a chair on an apricot with blue blobs room background.

John Johnson, London Blvd, Acrylic on canvas, 2012, 8" x 8"

Portraiture of a man’s face who has reddish face, fierce eyes, white teeth with red tongue towarding outside of the mouth on the left. Two eyes next to him and full of flowers and leaves in white, red, apricot, green and blue on a pink background.

John Johnson, Demeter, Acrylic on canvas, 2012, 8" x 8"

Figurative painting of a white with black bulldog with blue leash on the right and a leg wearing red shoe slightly covered its upper part by yellow dress on the left on grayish blue background.

John Johnson, The Red Shoe, Acrylic on canvas, 2012, 8" x 8"