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Past10-09-James Thomas


Figurative painting of a crane on the center of a watery part towards the bottom and a bright white moon being on the upper part with aura on dark navy background.

James Thomas, Haiku for Feb 5th, oil on wood panel, 32" x 12", 2009.

Seascape consisted of whitish blue ocean with wave on the upper part and sandy beach on the bottom with a man standing on the boundary between the two.

James Thomas, Tempest for Winslow Homer, 7”x 7”

Seascape with gradient blue ocean on the right and brown land on the left with white clouds on the lighter blue sky.

James Thomas, At the Edge (For Kensett), acrylic on canvas, 19" x 77", 2009

Seascape with a bright yellow moon on the gradient blue, green and yellow sky and its refraction on deep blue ocean with waves on the bottom.

James Thomas, Alter Orbis, oil on wood panel, 13" x 20", 2005.

Figurative painting of three fish swimming underwater and green tiny tree leaves on the upper part and grasses on the bottom.

James Thomas, Taxonomy #2, oil and gold leaf on wood panel, 24" x 18"