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Past13-01-The New Abstractionists VII


Abstract painting tiny dot blobs dominated with yellow, light green and brown throughout. Six brown vertical lines on the center.

Arimori Ueno, In Spring, 2010, Oil And Acrylic On Canvas, 64" x 64"

Abstract painting of yellowish green vertical oval shape in the center on gray background with black dot blobs.

Arimori Ueno, A Buddha, 2010, Oil On Canvas, 16" x 12.5"

Abstract painting of green vertical oval shape in the center on gray background with black dot blobs.

Arimori Ueno, A Leaf, 2010, Oil On Canvas, 33" x 24" 

Abstract painting full of tiny dot blobs dominated with yellow, light green, brown and black.

Arimori Ueno, Untitled, 2012, Oil On Canvas, 21" x 18"

Abstract painting of light blue checkered patterns on the foreground and full of brown, green and black dots on the background.

Arimori Ueno, In Anet, 2012, Oil On Canvas, 25.5" x 21"

Abstract multicolor painting of distorted oval shapes dominated with yellow, pink, green, blue, brown, gray and white on black background.

Mark Sharp, Untitled 2081, 2012, Oil on Canvas

Abstract multicolor painting of distorted oval shapes dominated with pink, dark brown, light blue, light green, dark blue, dark green, ivory, gray and black.

Mark Sharp, Untitled 2099, 2012, Oil on Canvas, 60" x 42"

Abstract multicolor painting of distorted oval shapes dominated with ivory, yellow, light green, apricot, brown, pink, dark blue and black.

Mark Sharp, Untitled 2098, 2012, Oil on Canvas, 60" x 42"

Abstract multicolor painting of distorted oval shapes dominated with pink, orange-brown, ivory, yellow, light blue, light green, grayish blue, dark blue, dark green and dark brown.

Mark Sharp, Untitled 2104, 2012, Oil on Canvas, 32" x 30"

Abstract multicolor painting of distorted oval shapes dominated with pink, mint green, dark green, light blue, dark blue, gray, dark brown and black

Mark Sharp, Untitled 2013, 2012, Oil on Canvas, 44" x 48"

Abstract painting of tangled black wavy lines on white, light blue and blue background.

Michael Ingui, Bridge View XI, 2012, Enamel on Canvas, 30" x 40"

Abstract painting of tangled black wavy lines drawn from upper left to bottom right on monochromatic blue background.

Michael Ingui, Understone

Abstract painting of tangled black wavy lines with partial white portion from upper right to bottom left on left blue and right green background.

Michael Ingui, Jive, 2012, Enamel on Canvas, 36" x 72"

Abstract painting of tangled black lines in vertical manner on monochromatic blue background. Lines on the left are longer than the right.

Michael Ingui, Bridge View Vlll, 2012, Enamel on Canvas, 72" x 48"

Abstract painting of tangled black wavy lines with partial white portion mainly on the left and the bottom on monochromatic gray background.

Michael Ingui, Lure, 2012, Oil on Canvas, 60" x 42"