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Art Fairs 19_01_LAAS


L.A. Art Show 2019

January 23 - January 27

Los Angeles, CA

The Walter Wickiser Gallery Booth at LA Art Show 2019, featuring Ralph Wickiser’s Straylight, 1983, 26” × 40”, Archival Print, 1/2 (left)  and Shakti Kroopkin’s Gather, Rise, Proof series (right)

The Walter Wickiser Gallery Booth at LA Art Show 2019, featuring Ralph Wickiser’s Straylight, 1983, 47” × 70”, Oil on Linen (left)
and Shakti Kroopkin’s Gather, Rise, Proof series (right)

Visitors to the Walter Wickiser Gallery Booth, featuring Nolan Preece’s chemigrams (left) and Dennis Kleidon’s Taliesin painting (right)

Visitors to the Walter Wickiser Gallery Booth, featuring Nolan Preece’s chemigrams (left) and Dennis Kleidon’s Taliesin painting (right)

Visitors look at Mally Khorasantchi’s The Hidden Secrets of Trees VI

Visitors look at Mally Khorasantchi’s The Hidden Secrets of Trees VI

Visitors to the Walter Wickiser Gallery Booth, featuring Ralph Wickiser’s Straylight, 1983, 26” × 40”, Archival Print, 1/2

Visitors to the Walter Wickiser Gallery Booth, featuring Yu-Chuan Chang’s Flower and Animal series (left) and Ralph Wickiser’s Straylight (right)

Visitors look at Lucy Chen’s flower paintings (left) and Edmund Ian Grant’s Picasso-esque portrait paintings (right)

Visitors look at Lucy Chen’s flower paintings (left) and Edmund Ian Grant’s Picasso-esque portrait paintings (right)

A visitor looks at Soile Yli-Mayry’s Ashalt Dream paintings

A visitor looks at Soile Yli-Mayry’s brightly colored Ashalt Dream paintings

Visitors look at Bill Jackson’s Over the Dam

Visitors look at Bill Jackson’s Over the Dam

Visitors sign the guestbook at the Walter Wickiser Gallery Booth

Visitors sign the guestbook at the Walter Wickiser Gallery Booth